Friday 23 May 2014

Books That I Read: Desaturasi Merah Jambu.

Assalamualaikum semua,

Hope you guys are doing well. This is one of the books that I read last month. It's called Desaturasi Merah Jambu by LadyNoe Mohamed. She is a blogger that I frequent read about. read this book for just one hour.

The chapters were short and simple but full of her own thoughts and her perspective. It's amazing how people can think that way. Or maybe everybody think about it, but she put it in her own words.

She described her opinion on her childhood memories which I find it amusing. She encountered rather a sex addict during her taxi ride and I love how she handled the situation in chapter Pendidikan Awal Seks. If it were me, I will be screaming my lungs out and cry for help. Hehe. She also highlighted that she's been chubby ever since she was small in chapter Gemuk Bukan Sumpahan.

Few weeks after I received the book, the author personally emailed me whether I receive the book or not.

And then I replied her email.. Hehe

This book is definitely a good read. Really recommend you guys to purchase this!

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